I Bought a New Tesla Model 3 Performance 22 Mar 2021

Tesla Black 2

In terms of cult status of cars, Tesla have gained a diehard following in the last few years, and I wanted to find out what it’s all about.

This is my first ever Tesla experience, and it’s the only electric car available at the moment that can fit my packed lifestyle and the number of miles I’ll be driving. I’m diving right in at the deep end by taking my new car on a long journey immediately to test it out.  

A great function in my new Tesla is the interactive screen, which I can use to pinpoint the closest supercharger points and plan my route based on these. To know that I have at least four on my most used route is so helpful, and I can also travel 300 miles on a full charge. When parked, this screen doubles as an in-car entertainment centre, offering games and Netflix whilst you wait for your car to charge. 

Testing out the semi-autonomous steering feature was something I was excited to do. Being inside the Tesla gives you the strangest feeling, like you’re quite literally being taken along for the ride, as the steering wheel doesn’t appear to move at the same time as the wheels. But trusting that the car knows what’s going on is easier, as everything is shown on the screen. 

I Bought A New TESLA Model 3 Performance!